Dear friends, Learning English becomes much more enjoyable when we add a touch of laughter. Today, we’re exploring a film series that not only elevated the British sense of humour to new heights but also became a beloved (Christmas) favourite …
We know you are diligent in studying English. We know you want to advance. That is why we have prepared an intriguing text for you today that will enrich your knowledge of the UK capital and also to help you …
Dear friends of Training Center Raya – London, Every country has its own mythology, complete with heroes and monsters. Here on the Islands, we encounter many menacing creatures lurking in dark corners and beneath bridges. You may recall our previous …
Dear diligent English learners, today’s topic is a historical one and will help you learn new vocabulary and terminology. Moreover, it will familiarize you with the events that have shaped our country into what it is today. When WWII started, …
Dear friends, a bright holiday is approaching – Easter. Training Centre Raya London would like to celebrate the occasion by helping you make progress in learning English with an entertaining text full of new, unfamiliar words. Please read it in …
Before sharing with you about this marvellous attraction, the Eden Project, let’s first mention the origins of its name. In English, Eden, is a reference to the Gardens of Eden described in the Bible – an area in Asia associated …
Dear friends, we wish you a successful 2024! May the efforts you put in learning English be rewarded and may they help you build a happier life, be better prepared for various tasks, and integrate more easily in your foreign-language …
Friends, today, in order to help you successfully study English, we will tell you about one of the most famous precious stones in the world, belonging to the Crown Jewels of the British Crown – the Koh-i-noor diamond. You can …
Dear friends, one of the world’s most celebrated holidays of sleeping nature and awakening spirits is knocking on our doors. Let’s learn a little bit more about the delicious dishes specially served during that ominous evening! Let’s improve our English …
Dear friends of Training Centre Raya London, we are happy to see you in our blog! Today’s article is about a rascal creature in the English folklore – the boggart. Along with that, you will find more about local folk …
Dear friends, we have been with you for a long time now on your journey of building successful Bulgarians abroad. As you already know, learning English is an important step in growing up here. We strive to provide versatile learning …
Dear friends of the interesting stories, the beer, and the English language, today we will introduce you the sequel of our article about the beginning of modern pubs in English lands. You will be able to learn easily with the …