Dear friends, we wish you a successful 2024! May the efforts you put in learning English be rewarded and may they help you build a happier life, be better prepared for various tasks, and integrate more easily in your foreign-language …
Dear friends of Training center “Raya” – London, after your hard studying we can finally welcome the holidays and we will gladly dedicate today’s article to them. Expand your English knowledge by reading the text in its English version and …
Friends, today, in order to help you successfully study English, we will tell you about one of the most famous precious stones in the world, belonging to the Crown Jewels of the British Crown – the Koh-i-noor diamond. You can …
Dear friends of ours, your English education continues with us and if you are already fluent enough, then probably you can read our regular articles quite easily without any effort. Please don’t hesitate to use a dictionary, as well as …
Dear friends of „Training Centre Raya – London”, today we are writing about what it is like to be really famous in the UK and around the world. You will find out whose footsteps are followed by millions and why. …
Dear friends, one of the world’s most celebrated holidays of sleeping nature and awakening spirits is knocking on our doors. Let’s learn a little bit more about the delicious dishes specially served during that ominous evening! Let’s improve our English …
Dear friends, we have been with you for a long time now on your journey of building successful Bulgarians abroad. As you already know, learning English is an important step in growing up here. We strive to provide versatile learning …
Image credit: Steve Allen/ Dear friends, we not only want to help you learn English, but also want to introduce different aspects of the British way of life. Let’s look at the political geography of the islands and clarify …
Dear friends of Training Centre Raya London, we hope you are having a wonderful summer in a place of your choice with plenty of sunshine! Through our blog, we can offer you an enjoyable way to continue learning English during …
Dear friends of Training Centre “Raya” London, take a few minutes for our article, which will help you improve your English language learning and present you with some interesting facts. All of you, probably, like to sit for a beer …
I am sure that you are well acquainted with the phrase “Walls have ears”. In the artistic London district of Soho, however, the walls have … noses! Let’s find out who actually put them there and why. But first, let …
Dear friends of Training Centre Raya London, we have decided to start a series of articles about famous Brits for you. You’ll be able to learn facts about their lives and activities and at the same time learn English in …