Jane Austin – The Pride of England: Continuation

Second, but not important, among Jane Austen’s works, he sees the novel Pride and Prejudice published in 1813. It seems that this is the most tattooed creation of its day. Films on the authentic work, as well as modern adaptations go out over several years. They even sell “Talk Darcy to me!” T-shirts – “Talk to me like Darcy!” – it’s about the main character in the novel.
The action, in general, gets its touch on a ball attended by the wealthy gentlemen Bingley and Darcy and their sophisticated urban company on the one hand and the five provincial daughters of the Benet family whose father is nobleman with modest means on the other. The Biggest – Jane – is a shy, noble, introverted and all-pervading, unlike the second by age – Elizabeth – a witty, cheerful, cheerful girl whose beauty does not strike at first sight but gradually penetrates the viewer.
Jane Austen’s irony finds the most generous outburst in the image of the mother of the girls, Mrs. Benet, whose tireless energy goes to try to make her daughters fit. The provincial manor, though modest, is the only home of the girls, and after the death of the father, it must be handed over to Mr. Collins, the closest kinsman and … man. And as times shape the mores, dying and finding a roof (possibly not too modest) fills a great deal of the novel.
Elizabeth’s initial impression of Darcy is horrifying – overpowered, too proud, rude, irreverent – a man you have nothing to like. And Darcy sees Elizabeth for the first time as … “acceptable.” How long are the two of them going through until they can connect their fates and create one of the most famous couples in literary and cinema history! If you are curious, read the novel or find the most approved screening – that of the Air Force with Jennifer El and Colin Firth. Later the two actors became husband and wife.
In the next two years, the novels of Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (Emma published in 1815) were released – the first young Fanny Price was sent to rich relatives to help raise children, the second is one of Jane Austen’s three most remarkable novels. The character in it, Emma, is an inexperienced but rich and somewhat spoiled girl, who is trying to play with the love gusts of her neighbors and friends, “marrying” them at will. Her frivolous play goes on until the moment she loves her, and loves her with gentle power.
Jane Austin’s life – terribly short of our point of view – goes smoothly, but she does not manage to enjoy her editions or gain glory (though that’s certainly not her strongest wish). According to biographers, in the early 1816s, the writer felt the first symptoms of the disease that would take her from this world. But he does not pay attention. By the end of the year, however, there is a steady deterioration in the condition. Today’s doctors suspect two possible diagnoses of her suffering – Addison’s Disease and Hodgkin’s Disease, both life-threatening. Until she is overwhelmed by weakness, Jane Austin tirelessly works on her own works. He died in 1817. in Winchester, Hampshire and buried in the cathedral.
After her death, her next three novels – The Northangery Abbey (1818), The Arguments of Reason (also known as Impact, Persuasion ed.1818) and Lady Susan “(Lady Susan published in 1871). Other two of her works have been unfinished – Sanditon and The Watsons.
Originally invaluable, due to its difference from the literature of the past, from the works of the romantic era, Austin’s works show a real interest perhaps from the middle of the 19th century. Gradually the qualities of her writing have been revealed and appreciated. Its readers become the intellectuals in England. It falls into various critical literary works and essays by well-known authors. It is even compared to Shakespeare. Until now, Jane Austen’s novels have had many screenings, writers have made attempts to write in her style. She becomes a beloved writer by Rudyard Kipling (“The Jungle Book”) – another famous English writer, and he and his circle proudly call themselves “janeys”.
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Written by Iveta Radeva
Tag:Jane Austin