The Crown Jewels: The Koh-i-noor Diamond

Friends, today, in order to help you successfully study English, we will tell you about one of the most famous precious stones in the world, belonging to the Crown Jewels of the British Crown – the Koh-i-noor diamond. You can read the text in two versions as usual – Bulgarian and English, so that you can practice your skills!
Nowadays, the Koh-i-noor diamond resides in the Tower, along with the Royal Jewels on display there. This beautifully polished stone evokes admiration and longing in the beholder. It is the main accent of Queen Elizabeth II’s crown. It has changed owners over the years and it is even said that it carries a curse. But let’s find out more about that!
The transparent diamond was originally mined in India. It was weighing 134 carats, making it one of the largest diamonds in the world. After a long journey in different royal hands, it ended up with Queen Victoria, who commissioned its reworking. The new cut turns it into a 109-carat diamond. Its price exceeds 140 million Euros. In the recent years, the governments of India and Pakistan have claimed its ownership.
Let’s follow its dramatic story! By the 14th century, Koh-i-noor was inherited by the ruling Indian Maharajah. After frequent and bloody wars, it gradually changed it owners, it was in the hands of Sikh, Mughal and Persian rulers. Its name comes from Persian and means – Mountain of Light. We trace its exact location back to the 18th century, when the Persian commander-in-chief Nadir Shah conquered India and dethroned the then-ruling Mughal ruler Muhammad Shah. After the victory, he takes the turban encrusted with the priceless diamond off him.
In 1849, the conquering East India Company, once founded by Queen Elizabeth I, dethroned the last Indian Sikh Maharaja Dalip Singh and sent a large part of his wealth to England. The diamond was officially presented to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace by the Vice-President of the East India Company. The date coincides with the 250th anniversary of the establishment of the company. The following year, the general public was given the opportunity to admire it at the Great Exhibition in London’s Hyde Park.
The processing of the diamond is scheduled for next year and is going to be carried out by a Dutch master, with great care, for a period of 38 days. Therefore, the length of the stone is reduced by 0.5 cm. 66 facets remain from the original 169.
The stone has had several coronations in its history, successively changing its place on the crowns of Queen Alexandra, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth II. The new Queen – Camilla – was crowned with Queen Mary’s crown, but without the diamond on it. All these crowns are on display in the Tower with the older ones bearing crystal replicas of the Koh-i-noor. Also on display is a replica showing the diamond in its original form, after it was brought from India and before it was processed.
Friends of Training Center Raya – London, we hope that you have read this text with interest and if you have not yet seen the Tower you may decide to take a walk there to see one of the most famous jewels in world history. We’d love it if you could tell us a little bit more about it on our page!
Author: Iveta Radeva