
Favourite Christmas gifts

One of the brightest holidays of the year is approaching and the shopping frenzy will soon engulf us all. Our generosity in this season prompts us to try to please our loved ones with what they have dreamed of or at least with what they will appreciate. Learning English with Training Centre Raya London will help everyone to freely express their desire in the festively illuminated stores and learn details about the goods on offer.

Let’s see which are the most wanted Christmas gifts in the UK and get some ideas for our presents from this list.

Just over half of Britons prefer to give clothes or shoes as gifts. This very often includes a cheery Christmas jumper or warm slippers. In the UK, the comfort of home is highly valued. Of course, some people can also get more expensive cashmere or silk clothing.

Items related to food and drink are also quite popular gifts. They not only choose luxury edible goods or expensive bottles, but also various “gadgets” for preparing food. Especially popular in the last years are appliances for preparing healthy food at home, such as blenders and smoothie cups.

Gifts related to health and beauty are at third place in the ranking. Possible options are spa treatments, massages, electronic bracelets measuring our health status and our movement and prompting us to drink more water and take healthy walks.

Fourth place goes to toys and games. This is where the whole variety of children’s goods comes in, because those who value gifts the most are, of course, the children. Woe to the gift-giver who does not meet children’s expectations! In addition to individual gifts, a board game can also be given as a gift for the whole family wishing them to spend quality time together.

The British are also fans of reading, so in fifth place among gifts are good books. By buying a book, you can give someone hours of excitement and unforgettable experiences. Find out about the book rankings and which authors are laureates of various awards. And a colorful, beautifully illustrated children’s book is always a good choice when invited to a house with children.

Right after the books, on sixth place is the jewelry. They are diverse, easy to choose and leave a wonderful impression with their elegance and brilliance. One of the ‘safest’ gifts for a woman are earrings in the form of rings, which can be worn and combined with everything. If you do decide to buy a jewelry with gemstones, you can find what the gift recipient’s zodiac stone is and surprise them that way.

Vouchers – they are a double-edged sword. On one hand, with vouchers, your loved ones can decide for themselves what will please them the most. But on the other hand, they do not show enough diligence in choosing. It’s a good idea to find out which store the person likes to shop at and get a voucher of a value that will allow them to choose some of the best goods inside.

Last in the gift ranking is the music. Like gifting books, music gives the intangible joy of experiencing art. And often the meaning and idea of ​​a piece of music can allow us to express our feelings for the person in an indirect way.

We hope, we have given you enough gift ideas. If you haven’t found yours yet, keep in mind that in the ranking of the most frequently gifted goods, although with smaller percentages, are movies, video games, kitchen accessories, as well as tickets to various desired events.

Make sure you prepare for the holidays on time! Also it is always good to  put a lot of effort into learning English, because there is no more valuable gift than knowledge, which will open many doors for us in the future! Stay tuned for our December Christmas articles and share ideas for interesting content on our blog!


Author: Iveta Radeva

Training Centre Raya London is a new and fastly developing English Language School specialized in teaching English as a second language. Founded in 2015 we are small enough to provide a personal service, but large enough to have very good facilities and resources for the students to learn English in UK.
