
Renting a home in the UK – Part 1

Friends of Raya London Learning Center, for those of you who are in the beginning of their English language education and for our future students, we would like to be useful with a range of articles on home rental in the UK. The theme is long, so please keep track of it on our blog! We will try to reveal some of the specifics that will help you find your new home.

When we anticipate a share of our finances to cover our rent, we should not neglect the existing tenancy deposit required by the owner. This amount is intended to cover any property damage that occurred during our stay there. There are cases where the amount is not borne out by our finances. Then we should ask if there is no extra scheme to take advantage of.

There are organizations that can cover the deposit on our behalf under certain loan rules. These are, for example, the local council or any organization related to the interests of the tenants. They act by the so-called rent deposit scheme – the amount is given in advance and deducted from our salary or bonuses.

We can even find gratuitous help from a charitable association.

We must bear in mind that before we deposit a deposit to our landlord, we must very carefully and with him accept the property, look for existing damages for furniture or immovable property that already have a defect left over from previous use. Do not sign the rental agreement and do not give a deposit until you have carefully cleaned up your obligations and those of the tenant in remedying the damage you have not caused!

When depositing the deposit, we need to know that it can be protected against non-return via a tenancy deposit protection scheme. This protection also includes a secured lease term and rules that the landlord has to follow.

You sign with your landlord a contract with a term, usually between 6 and 12 months, and the exact amount of the rent. Your lessor is required to give you notice at least two months in advance if there are conditions for leaving. The contract must state who will bear the cost of repairs if need arises. You must know that you are obliged to pay rents until the end of your contract – as mentioned – usually 6 or 12 months.

We hope this short start to address questions about hiring you to be excited about. To be continued!For your convenience, we have sealed the font of English words and terms that concern you. Knowing your local language is important and it is good to provide a language school visit so you can read your contracts personally and be familiar with the terminology.The “Raya” London Learning Center guarantees fast entry into the English language and clarification of the new concepts tailored to your life in the UK. Call us for consultation and possible times for your visits! We are expecting you!


Written by Iveta Radeva

Training Centre Raya London is a new and fastly developing English Language School specialized in teaching English as a second language. Founded in 2015 we are small enough to provide a personal service, but large enough to have very good facilities and resources for the students to learn English in UK.
